College Projects
Game Development
I've taken two game development classes at Ivy Tech: SDEV148: Introduction to Game Development, and SDEV248: Advanced Simulation and Game Design.
SDEV148: Introduction to Game Development
Final Project
- A working main menu that allows for a new game to be started or to quit the game.
- Implementing a physics system that allows for player moments.
- Core gameplay loop needs to be implemented using visual scripts.
- Include at least two outside creative commons art assets. You do not need to create any custom assets instead you need to add 2 assets like character sprites or animations.
- Include at least two outside creative commons audio assets. You do not need to create any custom assets instead you need to add 2 assets like background music or sound effects.
- Include ex least one UI element that is displayed during gameplay.
- Fully update your design doc to reflect your final project status.
- Gameplay must be able to last for a 30-sec minimum. Only one level is required.
SDEV248: Advanced Simulation and Game Design
Knight's Quest: The Princess Rescue
Midterm Group Project
- Functionality: Game adheres to the GDD and core features work.
- Code Quality: Well-structured, readable code with comments.
- Gameplay: Mechanics are engaging and balanced (as applicable to the genre).
- Design Choices: Justification for design decisions made during development.
- Presentation: Clear and concise demonstration.
ChromaQuest: The Kingdom of Color
Final Project
- Game must be made with an approved game engine, let me know in the proposal what game engine you intend to use -Preferably Unity.
- The game must be used to tell a story.
- The game must contain a minimum of three distinct levels and two cut-scenes.
- The game must be made with your own original graphics work, no outside assets allowed.
- The game must contain a UI panel in some fashion with both text and images.
- The game must include at least two types of opposition characters with selection structures dictating their actions (they cannot move randomly).
- The game must include at least one non-playable character which is relevant to the story being told with the game.
Cloud management
During my SVAD150: Cloud Fundamentals class, I primarily worked with AWS.
SVAD150: Cloud Fundamentals
AWS Cloud Deployment
Final Project
- Have MFA on the root account.
- Have a publicly-accessible site link.
- Draw a diagram of your full cloud deployment
- Prove the network connection from the public VM can reach both the private VM and the internet. Prove the private VM cannot connect to the internet.
- Create an alarm for your private VM
- Estimate the annual cost of your deployment
- Describe your cloud configuration
Data Analysis / Database Management
DBMS110: Introduction to Data Analysis focused on defining types of data, normalizing data, creating ERDs, and working within SQL.
DBMS110: Introduction to Data Analysis
Database Schema
Final Group Project
We were given the following scenario and needed to design and build a database based on the business requirements.
After building a successful Real Estate Investment business your parents decide it's time to retire and have asked you to take over the family business. You weren't sure if you were ready to leave your lucrative career as a Database Administrator but after careful deliberation, you've agreed to take over. You realize that the business was not functioning at its most optimal level, as several staff members are still using the primitive file and cabinet method to maintain records. After a thorough evaluation, you've decided to apply the knowledge you've acquired as a DBA to improve the day-to-day operations of your family-owned business. In doing so, you recruit a couple of your IT friends to assist with designing a new application.
Business Requirements
Your new application will support all business operations; this includes maintaining records of buyers, properties acquired, contractors, sales agents, agreements, and employees. Over the years there have been thousands of properties acquired and sold. Staff members have worked with a number of contractors consisting of Interior Designers and General Contractors. Your business also employs five employees (an accountant, a lawyer, a secretary, and two maintenance workers). In addition, over the years your parents have worked with several independent Real Estate Sales Agents.
Your database should contain details from previous and potential buyers including account number, name, address, contact info, occupation, salary, and credit score.
You also need to maintain Employee details employer code, employer name, employer address, employer phone number, etc...
It should also contain data for contractors such as id, name, address, and phone number. In addition, you also need to include the sales agent's id, name, address, and phone number.
You also should maintain data for contract agreements between various contractors and your company. These agreements should include an agreement number, contractor id, contractor name, contractor address, contractor phone number, and a description of the agreement.
A contractor can enter into several agreements, but each agreement can only be associated with one contractor.
Lastly, the database schema should contain all the properties acquired and sold, each property should have a parcel number, address, and specification such as the number of rooms, square feet, purchase date, purchase amount, market value, and architecture style description. The architectural styles include Cope Code, Colonial Contemporary, Ranch and etc… For the architecture style description, you need to store information such as the style and description of each style to provide additional characteristics for each property.
The property should also be associated with details for both the buyer and sales agent (id, name, address, phone).
You've also noted that a buyer can purchase one or more properties from you and the property can have one or more buyers.
The sale of a property can be conducted by one agent, but an agent can sell many properties.
MySQL code
( buy_account_number NUMBER(6), buy_name VARCHAR2(50), buy_address VARCHAR2(100), buy_email VARCHAR2(50), buy_phone NUMBER(11), buy_occupation VARCHAR2(50), buy_salary NUMBER(10), buy_credit_score NUMBER(3), PRIMARY KEY (buy_account_number) );
CREATE TABLE contractors
( con_name VARCHAR2(50), con_address VARCHAR2(100), con_phone NUMBER(11), con_type VARCHAR2(20) CHECK (con_type IN ('Interior Design', 'General Contractor')), PRIMARY KEY (con_id) );
CREATE TABLE sales_agents
( sagnt_name VARCHAR2(50), sagnt_address VARCHAR2(100), sagnt_phone NUMBER(11), PRIMARY KEY (sagnt_id) );
CREATE TABLE agreements
( con_id NUMBER(4), agmt_description CLOB, PRIMARY KEY (agmt_number), CONSTRAINT FK_con_agmt FOREIGN KEY (con_id) REFERENCES contractors(con_id) );
CREATE TABLE properties
( prop_address VARCHAR2(100), prop_rooms NUMBER(3), prop_sqft NUMBER(6), prop_purchase_date DATE, prop_purchase_amount NUMBER(9), prop_market_value NUMBER(9), arch_style VARCHAR2(20), sagnt_id NUMBER(4), PRIMARY KEY (prop_parcel_number), CONSTRAINT FK_sagnt_prop FOREIGN KEY (sagnt_id) REFERENCES sales_agents(sagnt_id) );
CREATE TABLE architecture
( arch_description CLOB, PRIMARY KEY (arch_style), CONSTRAINT CHK_arch CHECK (arch_style IN ('Cope Code', 'Colonial Contemporary', 'Ranch')) );
CREATE TABLE purchases
( buy_account_number NUMBER(6), PRIMARY KEY (prop_parcel_number, buy_account_number), CONSTRAINT FK_prop_purch FOREIGN KEY (prop_parcel_number) REFERENCES properties(prop_parcel_number), CONSTRAINT FK_buy_purch FOREIGN KEY (buy_account_number) REFERENCES buyers(buy_account_number) );
CREATE TABLE employees
( emp_name VARCHAR2(50), emp_address VARCHAR2(100), emp_email VARCHAR2(100), emp_phone NUMBER(11), emp_title VARCHAR2(20), emp_salary NUMBER(9), emp_access_level NUMBER(5), PRIMARY KEY (emp_id) );
Web Design
My SDEV153: Website Development class taught me the skills with HTML, JavaScript, and CSS in order to build this site.
SDEV153: Website Development
Portfolio Website
Final Project
- Home page and at least 4 content pages (5 pages total)
- A single external CSS file controlling styles across the site (internal and embedded styles may also be used when appropriate)
- Consistent "look and feel" throughout the site (logo, color scheme, layout, navigation)
- Consistent navigation throughout the site
- Use at least three images in addition to a logo (images should have alternate text)
- Include at least three external links
- At least one HTML list (ul, ol, or dl) element
- At least one HTML table element
- At least one HTML form element w/script for processing form data
- Use of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) principles
- Mobile friendly and/or fluid layout for different screen sizes
- HTML and CSS passes validation test at W3Schools
In SDEV264: Mobile Application Development, we focused on developing for Android systems using Kotlin.
SDEV264: Mobile Application Development
Gift Manager
Final Project
- Main Activity: This is the initial activity that first appears for the user to interact with.
- Preferences: This activity contains preferences that the user can set. These preferences should be stored so that the user does not have to reset these each time a user brings up your app. These settings should have default settings that are displayed when the user first goes into preferences. If the user changes any of these settings, these settings should be retained and any changes should be displayed (along with those settings not changed) when the user returns to the preferences activity.
- Secondary Activity: This activity should be tied directly to the Entry Point Activity. Information should be passed from the entry point activity using an intent and that information should be used with the secondary activity.
- Help Activity: This activity should be displayed when the user hits a button
in the “Main Activity”. This activity should be display only. No interactivity is
required. At a minimum, this activity should display information about:
- The app as a whole: What is the purpose of the app?
- Preferences: How do the preferences affect the app
Four activities (windows) along with the events to support the functionality for your app). These activities are: